redheaded girl

I’m Krystine,

The BeautyPro Coach!

I help Salon & Spa Pros make more money. Periodt. I teach Beauty Pros to communicate clearly with their clients, overcome their inner & outer blocks and become leaders of their lives inside & outside of the salon and spa.

Through eye-opening 1:1 coaching sessions, in-depth online courses, and In-Person trainings, I teach Beauty Pros all over the world to rake in the money while preserving their energy & mental health.

I'm an internationally certified life coach, salon & spa owner and holder of two degrees in Public Relations & Public Law. If you want to be the happiest, most profitable Beauty Pro you can be, I'm your girl. I'd love to connect with you on Instagram and Facebook. I can't wait to meet you and work with you!

Have You Ever...

  • Struggled with getting ALL THE THINGS done?
  • Given up on social media, marketing and getting more clients and staff in to see you?
  • Been at a loss for words because you're burnt out?
  • Been so overwhelmed when it comes to the numbers of your business?
  • Felt like there's no TA-DA factor when clients see you?
  • Started to resent your clients, team & people in general?
  • Dreaded going into the salon/spa because you have to "deal" with people who don't understand you?

Of course, you have. Working with people can be draining emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and in every way! Aren't you tired of NOT having the energy needed to deliver? NOT having the words to say what you really want to say, consultation or otherwise? NOT being present behind the chair? It's okay. I know how you feel.

The LIVE Online Experience (LOE), formally known as Salon & Spa Energy Level-Up (SSEL), puts your career and LIFE into perspective by reigniting your passion through strategic building blocks to get you to YOUR VERSION of success both in and out of the salon/spa.

You'll learn you've been doing TOO MUCH on the areas that DON'T MATTER which affects your bottom dollar and ENERGY!

LOE strategically focuses on those *little* things that make the biggest difference in our lives and careers once and for all. YOU are the star of the show. Without YOU there is no service, client or paycheck! We can't focus if we have a dark cloud hanging over us 24/7.

The LIVE Online Experience (LOE)

Formally known as Salon & Spa Energy-Level Up (SSEL), The LIVE Online Experience (LOE) is a 5 week LIVE Online course that tackles all those *little* things we as beauty & barber pros push off to the side such as:

  • Time Management
  • Marketing
  • Communication
  • Mindset
  • Boundaries
  • Money Matters
  • Salon & Spa Leadership
  • & so much more.

LOE teaches BeautyPros when we match our heads with our hearts we are better able to reach our goals whether they are 6-Figures, excellent family life and relationships or just wanting to be the best version you can be for yourself, your clients and your team.

You'll learn to maintain your energy through boundaries and mindset, as well as, follow a practical roadmap on how to give more value to clients while making more money & stability for yourself.

LOE breaks down the BIG WORDS while establishing workable systems that prevent burnout, ignite your passion and begin the process of transformation for you and your business.


This LIVE 5-week course is for any licensed Beauty or Barber Pro who is drained, uninspired, genuinely in need and wants a transformation in their personal lives, as well as, mega-creative, upbeat Beauty & Barber Pros who need to refocus and balance it all to be successful.


  • Class Replays (expire 2 weeks after the program ends)
  • Group Coaching Setting
  • LIVE Q&As
  • Intentions Worksheet
  • Service Cycle Scripts
  • 5 Yes's for Consultations
  • Consultation Scripts
  • How to get Your Ideal Client Worksheet
  • Range of Engagement Chart
  • 6 Stressors & Influencers Workbook
  • 10 Disciplines to Stop 2nd Guessing Yourself Workbook
  • Level-Up Energy Wheel & Workbook
  • & so much more!

$1700+ worth of content ALONE


  • Get $500 OFF their registration
  • Founding Member Status & Bragging Rights
  • Get the Business Class Replay

A $2000 VALUE

Level Out Insecurities

Quit second-guessing yourself once and for all. Have the awareness you need to overcome insecurity and radiate confidence in and out of the salon.

Increase Your Income

Learn to speak with your clients about products & services effortlessly and without sounding pushy. You'll know your client trusts you by your sales and I'll show you the formula to prove it.

Level Up Your Energy

What you believe about yourself radiates onto others and affects your overall performance and professionalism. You'll learn how to show up on point every time while feeling rested and living your best life. Your work/life balance will be EXACTLY what YOU want.

Choose Your Payment Plan!

Want More?

Sign up for 1:1 Coaching with Krystine herself! All you have to do is schedule your Complimentary Be Free call HERE to determine if coaching is right for you. From there, Krystine will explain the program, contract, payments and more!

You can also schedule your 1:1 call, as well as reach out to Krystine directly by going to her Instagram & Facebook.

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Follow Me on Facebook!

Hang out with me on Facebook and find out how your can join my exclusive Facebook Group!

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Follow Me on Instagram!

I'm mostly on the 'Gram so come by to watch my stories, send me a DM, share my reels. Let's have a good time as we progress on this life journey together!

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Let's Chat 1:1

Schedule your first FREE 1:1 Session with me. I'd love to help you with any challenges you might be facing or just be there for you while you vent. I want to meet you! Go ahead and book it!